Thursday, August 28, 2014

Report: Portage, Michigan

A team of twenty-five devoted men and women from Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri joined their brethren in Portage, Michigan for an old fashion tent meeting and campaign. We sent out two fifteen passenger vans completely full each day for five days and knocked just under 5000 doors. We talked with hundreds of the residents of the Portage/Kalamazoo area. It was certainly our privilege to converse with atheist, Hindus, to fallen members of the churches of Christ. 

We experienced the joy of five baptisms wherein souls had their sins washed away and were added to the Lord's church. Thirteen individuals were restored back in fellowship with the Lord God Almighty and if my conversations with the brethren in Portage was any indication, the brethren were enlightened, encouraged and edified. I know that the brethren who came to help in the campaign were blessed beyond measure for having participated. The work was hard but fulfilling. 

We continue to offer up our prayers before the throne of God for the continued work and spiritual success of the brethren in Portage, Michigan. 

We now have five areas that are interested in campaigns at this time, if you would like to talk to someone about a campaign in your area, please email

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