Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Pathway to Mercy

Psalm 24 is a short, but powerful psalm. The setting surrounding this inspired work seems to involve the historical event of the Ark of the Covenant’s procession into Jerusalem. The broader application of this Psalm, being the prophetic imagery of Christ ascending into glory not long after His triumphant resurrection from the dead. With this background in mind, the reader should approach this Psalm from both an immediate context and a prophetic context.
The Glorious Kingdom
The Glorious Kingdom of God (24:1-6) as used in this article has a two-fold meaning.  First, we are referring to the fact that “everything” belongs to God. Second, we are referring to God’s People (i.e., the Nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the Church in the New Testament).
The Greatest King
In this section, the Psalmist is describing the Greatest King—God (24:7-10). In one sense, the Psalmist is likely describing the fact that God alone is worthy of man’s adoration and worship, especially in the context of the Ark approaching Jerusalem (Psa. 113:1, Mat. 4:10). Yet, is this the “only” sense in which the Psalmist is speaking? We think not. Again, the text should be considered with both the historic and prophetic view in mind. The immediate context does not need to be ignored, but then again, the prophecy pertaining to the Christ is also to obvious to ignore.
The last term in this psalm is the word “Selah.” This term likely carries with it the idea of pausing, particularly as it relates to meditation and reflection upon that which was just stated. Without question, the reader should pause and meditate on the inspired depths of this psalm.
There are perhaps countless lessons that could be derived from the powerful and wonderful Psalm 24. However, the following lessons are points of emphasis that are given as a matter of summary as well as for use in teaching and practical application:
1. Everything belongs to God (24:1).
2. Man is God’s special creation and he is on earth for a purpose (24:1).
3. God used creation not evolution as His means of bringing things into existence (24:2).
4. Christ truly is the only One Who is worthy to enter God’s Holy Place (24:3).
5. Man, through Christ and because of Christ, is able to also enter God’s fellowship and presence through faith and obedience to God (24:3).
6. Christ lived a sinless and perfect life (24:4).
7. Christ was found faithful in His obedience to the Father. He fulfilled all righteousness through perfect obedience and sinless perfection. Christ is our perfect example (24:5).
8. Through Christ’s sacrifice, obedient believers are counted as righteous (or right) before God. God’s grace is extended to all, but only those who obey the stipulations of that grace will procure it (24:5).
9. Christ freely submitted to the will of the Father while on earth. He forever showed what “seeking first” means (24:6).
10. Men, who will be found faithful, must seek God. God desires to be found and God can be found. God desires all men to be saved. However, only those who “seek” God first in their lives will please Him (24:6).
11. God is the “King of glory.” Men should worship God for Who He is - they should praise, honor and glorify His majestic name forevermore (24:7, 9).

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